Institut für Metallurgie

Arbeitsgruppe Metallurgische Prozesstechnik

Veröffentlichungen aus dem Jahre 2010:

  1. A M Mirzayousef-Jadid and K Schwerdtfeger:
    Redox Equilibrium of Niobium in Calcium Silicate Base Melts.
    Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 41 (2010) 1038 (link).
  2. Z Georgeou, C F Redeker, J Schöttler, R H Gronebaum, A Redenius, J Kroos A Newirkowez, D Rohrberg, J Wendelstorf, K H Spitzer and R Nyström:
    Cost-efficient metallurgy for the production of novel ultra high-strength deep-drawable steel grades with high Mn contents from 10 to 25 wt. % by using the EAF steelmaking route
    European Commission Research Fund for Coal and Steel Final Report No. EUR 24225 (EU Bookshop)

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